Damien’s Indigo Report

Top 5 Skills

  1. Presenting

  2. Negotiation

  3. Continuous Learning

  4. Interpersonal Skills

  5. Written Communication


Dominance: 89

Influencing: 84

Steadiness: 18

Compliance: 14

High D’s tend to be competitive, decisive, and determined.



  1. Individualistic/Political - Rewards those who value personal recognition, freedom, and control over their own destiny and others. 83%

  2. Theoretical - Rewards those who value knowledge for knowledge’s sake, continuing education and intellectual growth. - 68%

  3. Utilitarian/Economic - Rewards those who value practical accomplishments, results and rewards for their investments of time, resources and energy. 47%

  4. Social - Rewards those who value opportunities to be of service to others and contribute to the progress and well being of society. 43%

  5. Traditional/Regulatory - Rewards those who value traditions inherent in social structure, rules, regulations and principles. 37%

  6. Aesthetic - Rewards those who value balance in their lives, creative self-expression, beauty and nature. 22%

Value to a Team

About You

Everyone is different and there is no right or wrong way to be. These paragraphs describe how you likely show up in your natural style.

Damien is a good problem solver and troubleshooter, always seeking new ways to solve old problems. Sometimes he becomes emotionally involved in the decision-making process. He prefers authority equal to his responsibility. He will work long hours until a tough problem is solved. After it is solved, Damien may become bored with any routine work that follows. When faced with a tough decision, he will try to sell you on his ideas. Many people see his decisions as high-risk decisions. However, after the decision is made, he tends to work hard for a successful outcome. He finds it easy to share his opinions on solving work-related problems. He should realize that at times he needs to think a project through, beginning to end, before starting the project.

Damien tends to influence people by being direct, friendly, and results-oriented. He may lose interest in what others are saying if they ramble and fail to speak to the point. His active mind is already moving ahead. He should exhibit more patience and ask questions to make sure that others have understood what he has said. He likes people who present their case effectively. When they do, he can then make a quicker assessment or decision. Damien likes people who give him options as compared to their opinions. The options may help him make decisions, and he values his own opinion over that of others! He challenges people who volunteer their opinions. He tends to be intolerant of people who seem ambiguous or think too slowly. He may sometimes mask his feelings in friendly terms. If pressured, Damien’s true feelings may emerge.

Your Natural and Adapter Behavioural Styles

Natural Adapted
89 74
84 83
18 7
14 32

D stands for Dominance. High D’s tend to be direct, forceful, results oriented, and bold. Low D’s tend to be non-confrontational, low key, cooperative, and agreeable.

I stands for Influencing. High I’s tend to be enthusiastic, persuasive, and talkative. Low I’s tend to be good listeners, reflective, skeptical, and factual.

S stands for Steadiness. High S’s tend to be patient, predictable, and calm. Low S’s tend to be change oriented, restless, and impatient.

C stands for Compliance. High C’s tend to be analytical, detail oriented, and cautious. Low C’s tend to be independent, unsystematic, and less concerned with details.

DISC Reference Guide

Find your DISC Graph on the Indigo summary page: Take note of scores furthest away from 50 (high or low). These are the behaviors that will stand out most for you. Reference “stand-out” scores below. Various combinations of stand-out DISC factors will influence communication styles and environmental needs. For example, a High D, Low C will need a fast-paced, results-oriented environment with lots of freedom. However, a High D, High C will need an environment where results can be achieved through structure, quality, and attention to detail. If all scores are near the middle, you are likely adaptable to many environments.

What Motivates You

Motivators are like an engine beneath the hood of a car. Motivators aren’t easily seen from the outside but they are what power you. This is important to your college and career choice because motivators correlate directly to fulfillment and meaning. Most people are happiest selecting a major and career based on their top two motivators.

Traditional: Beliefs, Values, Family

Individualistic: Independence, Recognition, Choice

Social: Helping Others, Making a Difference

Utilitarian: Efficiency, Money, Practicality

Aesthetic: Balance, Art, Music, Beauty, Nature

Theoretical: Knowledge, Continually Learning

Your Skills

This shows 23 skills that are important in the world of work. The key to success is utilizing your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. You are more likely to excel with your top skills. For more information visit Indigo: The Assessment

Personal Skills Ranking

  1. Presenting

  2. Negotiation

  3. Continuous Learning

  4. Interpersonal Skills

  5. Written Communication

  6. Leadership

  7. Persuasion

  8. Management

  9. Empathy

  10. Creativity/Innovation

  11. Flexibility

  12. Time and Priority Management

  13. Decision Making

  14. Mentoring/Coaching

  15. Diplomacy/Tact

  16. People Advocacy

  17. Conflict Management

  18. Analytical Problem Solving

  19. Teamwork

  20. Futuristic Thinking

  21. Personal Responsibility

  22. Goal Orientation

  23. Planning/Organizing

How Other People Should Communicate With You


This section provides other people a list of things to DO when communicating with you. This is how you like to be communicated with. Everyone has different communication styles. Knowing your style and acknowledging other’s styles is critical to success in any job or relationship.


This page provides other people a list of things NOT to do when communicating with you. Everyone has different communication styles. Knowing your style and acknowledging other’s styles is critical to success in any job or relationship.

Things You Might Want From Others

People are more motivated when they choose careers and college programs that satisfy their unique set of “wants”.

Your Ideal Work Environment

An ideal working environment for you should include elements from this list.

Some Potential Challenges

The areas below are things to be careful of because they may create roadblocks to your success. Identify any areas that may be affecting your success now and develop an action plan to overcome these challenges.

Your Strengths

These are areas where you really shine! Use these strengths to talk about yourself on college applications, job/internship interviews, and with teammates for school projects and extracurricular activities. Practice using your strengths every opportunity you can.

What Others May Value in You

These are qualities that you bring to teams and organizations.

Potential Weaknesses With His Style

Every behavioral style has inherent positives and negatives. This section lists some possible behaviors that may hold you back in life. Knowing what they are will help you get along with others and reduce stress.

Likely Time Wasters

This section is designed to identify potential distractions that could impact your effectiveness and use of time. Possible causes and solutions outlined can serve as a basis for creating an effective plan for increasing your overall performance.

1. Snap Decisions

Snap decisions in this context are those decisions that are made too quickly without having all the necessary information.

Possible Causes

Possible Solutions

Ask for recommendations Establish process for decisions prior to situation occurring Establish standard operating procedures and alternative procedures for possible problems

2. Poor Delegation

Poor delegation usually means the inability to discriminate between tasks needing your time and attention, and those others are capable of accomplishing.

Possible Causes:

Possible Solutions

3. Crisis Management

Crisis Management is defined as a management style that is consistently driven by uncontrolled external issues as the preferred method of managing. This style allows crises to precipitate rather than them being anticipating and for the employee to be pro-active.

Possible Causes

Possible Solutions

4. Lack of a Written Plan

A plan in this context may be an overall business plan including mission, goals, objectives, task requirements, and utilization of resources. It may also simply mean written priorities and a written daily plan of action.

Possible Causes

Possible Solutions

5. Firefighting

Firefighting is often defined as being pulled away from priority tasks to answer questions, offer solutions, delegate, or solve problem-related minor issues. These issues usually “flare up” quickly and are “put out” quickly.

Possible Causes:

Possible Solutions:

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